Do lifted trucks have a different duty of care?

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2025 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

In our state, every driver is expected to operate their vehicle in a careful and prudent manner. As set forth by the North Dakota Century Code, this general duty of care applies to all motorists, regardless of the type of vehicle they drive. However, some people wonder whether drivers of larger, modified vehicles, such as big, lifted trucks, or larger non-commercial vehicles, like duallies, have an elevated duty of care when operating these large, and potentially, dangerous, vehicles.

State duty of care for all drivers

Under state law, drivers must use caution and remain aware of conditions, such as traffic flow, weather and road width. This requirement helps keep everyone on the road safer, including drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Failure to exercise due care can lead to liability, if a car accident occurs due to negligent driving behavior.

How larger vehicles affect responsibility

Although the law does not explicitly state that bigger vehicles come with a stricter duty of care, the size and design of lifted trucks and other large vehicles means they can affect driver responsibilities. These include bigger blind spots, longer stopping distances and a higher potential for causing considerable damage in a collision. In other words, owners of bigger vehicles should be prepared to adapt their driving style to account for these added risks, or face the consequences of inaction.

Heightened responsibilities for larger vehicles

Drivers of lifted trucks and other larger vehicles need to take extra measures to ensure safe operation (and the safety of others on roadways). For example, larger blind spots mean frequent mirror checks are crucial, and drivers should also account for objects or smaller vehicles that might be hidden from immediate view. This may mean installing cameras or sensors to avoid impacting others.

Another frequent issue is adjusting driving styles for larger vehicles, like allowing more stopping distance. Their heavier vehicles require more space to come to a stop, so keeping a safe following distance is a key responsibility for large vehicle drivers.

Finally, because of the increased potential for damage and death from large-vehicle accidents, drivers must drive in a way that anticipates car accidents. This includes avoiding sudden stops, paying attention to shifts in traffic and constantly being on the lookout for hazardous road conditions.

Whether you are behind the wheel of a small sedan or a lifted truck, observing the duty of care is essential for preventing accidents, minimizing injuries and fostering a safer driving environment. However, drivers of larger vehicles should be mindful of their vehicles’ unique challenges to avoid the consequences that flow from driving these larger, dangerous vehicles.
